
2020年10月27日,星期二17:45:29 (GMT+3伊斯坦布尔

The ASEAN region has been importing 50 million mt of finished steel a year, while steel exports were as low as 7-8 million mt a year: however, the region’s finished steel exports doubled in volume to 15 million mt in 2019, according to a statement released by the South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI). Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia are the emerging main exporters of finished steel in the ASEAN region. Vietnam and Indonesia focus more on exports of flat steel, while Malaysia is an emerging exporter of long steel, especially wire rod and bar. The major markets for flat steel exports are the ASEAN-6 countries, China, Taiwan. The emerging markets for flat steel exports also include Pakistan, Myanmar and India. Cambodia and Myanmar are the largest markets for bar and wire rod, especially for exports from Vietnam and Malaysia. Apart from ASEAN-6 countries, Bangladesh and Kuwait appear to be main markets for long steel export from the region. China has become a major market for both semi-finished steel and long steel from the ASEAN-6.


印尼是该集团中第二大出口国。2018年,印尼扁钢出口量增至200万吨,2019年增至300万吨。2019年,中国出口了180万吨HRC、77.8万吨热轧钢板和39万吨CRC。HRC和CRC出口的80 ~ 90%是不锈钢产品。台湾、马来西亚和中国大陆是其不锈钢产品的目标市场。中国的HRC不锈钢出口量从2019年前7个月的91.4万吨下降到今年同期的71.7万吨。今年前7个月,印尼的不锈钢CRC出口量同比增长了9%,达到27.5万吨。




越南的Hoa Phat今年1 - 10月的销售额翻了一番


